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How to Shave Your Head Without Nicks or Irritation

There's no shame in admitting it gents – you're losing your hair and people are starting to notice.

You've got two choices:

  1. Cling on to the little hair you have left and hope no one notices
  2. Go full Jason Statham and shave that head without mercy

I know which I'd choose. A bald head looks a million times better than a balding head – in fact, studies find that a massive 87.5% of women find a shaven head attractive.

But to achieve peak sexiness as a bald man, you've got to know how to get there in the first place. Look no further, I've got all the answers you need.

men with shaved head perceived as dominant

Stick with it, and you'll discover:

  1. What Should You Know Before Shaving your head?
  2. How Do You Properly Shave Your Head?
  3. Shaven Head Aftercare

#1. What Should You Know Before Shaving Your Head?

bald head and suit

It's not just a matter of grabbing your razor and going at it like a mad man – to successfully shave your head WITHOUT cutting your scalp to pieces, there are a few things you need to know before starting.

Think of your scalp as an extension of your face. You wouldn't just dry shave your face and expect it to be all fine and dandy, right? Of course not – any stylish man knows the levels of preparation that go into the perfect shave.

The story isn't any different when you shave your head.

How Do You Prepare Your Head For Shaving?

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First thing's first – if your hair is any longer than 5mm, use a hair trimmer before attempting anything with a razor. Any longer, and your razor WILL get clogged up with hair and start to pull… ouch!

Use an electric hair trimmer (or visit your barber) and cut your hair as short as you possibly can – your scalp will thank you.

Once your hair is of the appropriate length, you can start the shaving process. Just like when shaving your face, the first thing you should do is condition your hair. Get those bristles as soft as possible, it'll make this whole process much smoother.

Today's article is sponsored by VITAMAN – craftsmen of the best natural men's shaving products you'll find anywhere online. No alcohol, no chemicals, no additives – just natural and organic Australian ingredients specially formulated to soothe your face and banish razor burn for good!

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#2. How Do You Properly Shave Your Head?


I'll level with you: if you want a smooth, clean shave then a safety razor is the way to go.

Sure, an electric razor will do the trick, but you won't get that 8-ball shine unless you really lather up and use a sharp safety blade.

Shaving Your Head With A Safety Razor

shaving head with razor

Apply a shaving gel/cream to your scalp with a shaving brush and start to lather it up. Once your head is covered in foam, proceed to shave your head along the contours of your hairline. Shave in the direction your hair grows in small, inch-long strokes.

Depending on the thickness of your hair, you may need to reapply your shaving gel/cream and have another go. You'll know you're good when your head feels smooth and clean.

How To Shave Your Head With An Electric Razor

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Shaving your head with an electric razor is easier, but won't achieve the same smooth scalp that a safety razor will. It'll cut close, but not close enough.

First thing's first… make sure your razor is fully charged before attempting to shave your head! The last thing you want is a half-shaven head – trust me, you'll look ridiculous.

Unlike a safety razor, there's no need to lather up your scalp before shaving. It's literally just a case of turning on your razor and going to town. For the best results, use a rotary razor to make small circular motions across the length of your scalp. This will provide even coverage and help to ensure every bristle of hair is shaven as closely as possible.

#3. Shaven Head After-Care

shaved head and beard

Similar to when shaving your face, it's essential that you put in the effort and care for your newly shaven head. Aftercare isn't difficult, just make sure you do the following:

  1. Check your scalp for any stray hairs or patchy stubble. Don't be afraid to repeat the shaving process if you haven't achieved peak baldness after your first attempt.
  2. Wash your head with warm water and then apply an aftershave balm as you would when shaving your face.
  3. Moisturize to finish – shaving any part of your body dries out the skin, so you need to re-moisturize the area with a quality moisturizer.

How Long Does It Take For Shaven Hair To Grow Back?

Technically speaking, the hair on your head will start to grow back within hours of shaving.

However, you can expect to see signs of growth within around 5 days. This is when you can expect a ‘5 o.clock shadow' on your head. At this stage, simply run your razor back over your head to tidy it up.

If you want to grow your hair back, chances are you'll have to wait anywhere between 4 and 9 months depending on your desired length. A good rule of thumb is to expect half an inch of growth per month.

A barber can help you shave your head. Click here to discover how to communicate with your barber to get the perfect haircut.

The post How to Shave Your Head Without Nicks or Irritation appeared first on Real Men Real Style.

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