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5 Signs She’s Into You (Female Body Language Explained)

You're in luck! That beautiful woman across the bar is looking your way – you should buy her a drink and move in a bit closer, right?

Hold up there, Cassanova – are you SURE she's into you? What if you've creeped her out with all your staring? But how can you tell when you haven't even spoken to her yet?

The trick is to understand the basics of female body language. In today's article, I'll break out the 5 biggest signs she's into you.

We'll be covering::

  1. She's Got An ‘Open' Posture
  2. She Mirrors Your Behavior
  3. She Removes Barriers Between You
  4. She Blushes
  5. She Leans Closer To You

#1. She's Got An ‘Open' Posture

Successful date

Think of body language as a door. If it's open, then you're welcome to approach.

When you see a woman and want to approach her, consider:

  • Are her arms open or crossed? If they're crossed, she's in a closed-off position and probably doesn't want you to approach. If they're open, then you're in for a shot.
  • Is she sitting up-right or slumped forward? This is another excellent show of a woman's mood. If she is upright with her shoulders back, she's feeling confident. If she's sitting in a slump, chances are she doesn't want the attention on her.

When assessing how ‘open' a woman's body language is, you can use your best judgment – there's not really a middle ground, so it should be pretty obvious how she feels.

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#2. She Mirrors Your Behavior

man talks to women giving a compliment

It's human nature to mimic the behavior of people we like.

If a woman is talking to you and appears to be sitting similarly or takes a drink when you take a drink, chances are she's feeling optimistic about the experience, and you can take this as one of the signs she's into you.

If, however, your date (or potential date) closes herself off from you and does her own thing, then be careful. She might feel uncomfortable or disinterested – so take it as a sign that you need to change things up or move on.

A few examples of behavior mirroring are:

  • Laughing when you laugh
  • Mirroring the way you sit
  • Taking a drink when you take a drink
  • Nodding when you nod
  • Smiling when you smile

#3. She Removes Barriers Between You

man and woman on a date

When you're scared of something, what's the first thing you try and do? Put as much in the way of you and that scary thing as possible.

Now I'm not saying women are scared of you; however, the primal instinct to protect against discomfort can be expressed by ‘blocking.'

Blocking is when a woman actively tries to put things between you and her to show she isn't open to you and your approaches. That might come in the form of placing a drinking glass between you at the bar or reading a book when you try and engage her in conversation.

So if she's doing the opposite of this and is actively removing those physical barriers, you can take this as one of the signs she's into you. If she clears her bag off the bartop when you approach her or puts down her book and moves her glass, you could be in for a good night.

WARNING: Do not assume that removing physical barriers is a guaranteed sign of attraction. Sometimes women just want to clear some space; it doesn't always mean she's into you.

#4. She Blushes

Blushing is a sure-fire way to know whether a woman is interested in you or not.

Blushing occurs due to a rush of adrenaline and excitement – so if she blushes when you approach or when you greet her, then keep it up – you're doing well.

Be warned that women sometimes blush when they're angry. However, unless you've done something to actively offend her (unlikely on a first meeting), you can take those rosy cheeks as one of the signs she's into you.

Clinical psychologist Mary Lamia states that:

Blushing is an honest response when you feel caught being sexually excited by another person.

Mary C. Lamia, Ph.D

The science says it all – what more evidence do you need to know whether a woman likes you?

#5. She Leans Closer To You

man and women laughing together

The most obvious sign of a woman's interest is the way she leans when you approach her. If she leans towards you, then you're in luck – she literally wants to be near you and is leaning in to achieve this.

Even if you're sitting a few seats away from her at the bar or coffee shop, just look at the way she's sitting.

If you've caught her eye, she'll gravitate towards you. That could be something as subtle as facing your direction or as evident as leaning over to get a better look at you.

Just make sure it's you that she's looking at! Nothing's more embarrassing than thinking a woman is leaning your way when she's actually trying to get the attention of someone behind you.

Knowing the signs she's into you is the first step, but do you know how to keep her coming back for more? Click here to discover 17 essential tips to help you talk to women.

Click below to watch the video – Failing With Women In 2022? Try Changing THIS!


The post 5 Signs She’s Into You (Female Body Language Explained) appeared first on Real Men Real Style.

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