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How To Dress Well And Look More Mature

How do you expect to be taken seriously if you're dressed like a teenager?

The fact is, no woman looks at a guy in his 40s wearing spray-on skinny jeans and thinks, ‘Wow, I want that guy to ask for my number.'

To be seen as a mature and stylish man, you need to have a mature wardrobe to boot. You need to know what to buy, what to keep and what to throw in the trash as you organize your new mature man's clothing collection.

It's really quite simple. So today, I'm breaking it out for you. In this article, we'll be covering:

  1. How To Dress With Intent
  2. How To Dress Like A Leader
  3. Building An Interchangeable Wardrobe
  4. Finding Statement Pieces
  5. Buy The BEST You Can Afford

#1. How To Dress With Intent

Man in Suit looking mature

Some men claim they're a “t-shirt and jeans” kind of guy…

No big deal, right? WRONG.

This casual statement translates to ‘I'm the sort of guy who doesn't know how to dress for the occasion.'

Now that you're an adult – you have to examine your wardrobe choices and assess whether they reflect who you really are.

So whether you're a lawyer who stops by a local caf̩ on his day off, or you're a plumber who normally gets down and dirty Рit's important to dress with intent. Choose clothes that communicate your personality and appeal to the people you encounter on a daily basis.

If you always carry that mindset, it becomes so much easier to dress appropriately for your age and profession. Trust me, you'll feel great doing so.

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#2. How To Dress Like A Leader

mature man presenting to group of people

This is all about having the courage to lead and the confidence to walk into a room of men to take charge.

As a leader, standing out (as long as you dress appropriately) is a good thing! It takes some getting used to, but “blending in” and “staying in your comfort zone” could harm your authority.

Dressing like a leader (even if you aren't one!) is the best way to get ahead. You need to consider who the top leaders in your industry are and what they wear to work. You know the old saying: dress for the job you want, not the job you have.

You should also consider the image you're trying to maintain. Are you a consultant? Consultants are thought to be dressed at a higher level than the average person in general.

Are you a presenter or PR guy for a construction firm? Then you'll probably want to steer clear of a checkered shirt (so you don't resemble a construction worker) and try adding a bowtie or necktie with a bright color.

Have courage. Be a leader. Be a real man. And soon enough, you'll end up gaining more trust and respect from your peers…plus everyone else.

#3. Building An Interchangeable Wardrobe

Infographic - Interchangeable Wardrobe

As a grown man, building a collection of staple clothing items is essential.

When it comes to timeless outfits, there are a limited number of workable options for you. Your options are often limited by your profession, position in a company, your industry, and the environment you live in.

To understand how to build your own interchangeable wardrobe (in which each clothing piece can match almost everything else), you need to consider your basic needs as a man and your personal style, tastes, and interests. Combine these two things and you're on to a winner.

In short, you should own:

  • 4 Shirts – of varying colors and patterns
  • 4 Trousers – for different occasions. 2 x slacks, 1 x dress pants, and 1 x jeans
  • 4 Jackets – 2 x blazers/suit jackets, 2 x outdoor jackets made from different materials
  • 4 Pairs of shoes – 2 x dress shoes (brown and black), 1 x trainers and 1x boots

Add to this where according to your own taste, but always maintain a consistent foundation wardrobe to maintain a balanced and essentialist wardrobe.

#4. Finding Statement Pieces

Blue Suit And Pocket Square - mature man's accessory

When you've taken care of your core wardrobe and your closet is trash-free…that's when you can explore and bring in new, statement items to experiment with.

Just remember that every style experiment has to be “measured” in some way:

  • How much of an effect will it have on those around you?
  • Will it make you feel great or self-conscious when walking down the street?
  • Will this new piece impress your boss and increase your chances of a promotion?

Sometimes, there are things about ourselves that need some improvement. But once we notice them and do the “repairs,” – the results can be a pleasant surprise. That was the case for Neil Patel, a guy who spent $160,000 on clothing to make $700K!

Neil was a businessman who realized how much more successful he was at selling when we wore nicer shirts, belts, ties, shoes, and even briefcases. So he took full advantage of it and made huge gains as a result.

The takeaway? Statement pieces are essential in any man's wardrobe. Sure, foundation pieces are important, but to stand out from the crowd and get ahead in life you've got to stand out. Be sensible and do this in the correct way, and who knows what you could achieve.

#5. Buy The BEST You Can Afford


There are two main truths to bear in mind here:

1. Expensive Does NOT Guarantee Quality

You might be able to afford a $1,000 suit – but it's your job to look for one that's of high quality. A suit with solid construction and a great brand reputation is one of the most valuable items a man can own – but you don't have to spend $10,000 to find this.

When it comes to any type of garment, do the research and assess a brand's quality WITHOUT looking at price. There are plenty of great companies out there that don't charge a premium for their premium quality clothing.

You must also research how to pick the right clothing brand. It has to be a brand with a house style that complements your image, profession, and the YOUR personal tastes.

2. It's Better To Save Up Than Buy Cheap

cheap vs expensive leather jackets

Let's face it. Many of us spend a significant amount of money on beer, junk food, and stuff we don't need. This is all well and good until you need to buy an essential item that costs a lot of money and can't afford it.

So be honest with yourself about the non-essentials you can actually cut back on (or refrain from buying altogether!)

When you start to budget for better clothing options, you're making a long-term investment. Typically, more expensive clothes last longer and look better. There comes a point when increasing price doesn't improve quality (see above), but it's safe to say a $50 t-shirt will last longer than a $5 t-shirt from Walmart.

As with any good investment, it will pay off eventually in the form of a promotion or higher income.

Now that you can dress like a man, do you know how to act like a real man? There's more to it than you think… Click here to read How To Be a REAL Man!

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The post How To Dress Well And Look More Mature appeared first on Real Men Real Style.

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