It's time to admit it: you're not as young as you used to be. But that doesn't mean you're past your dating prime!
The statistics speak for themselves. An incredible 56% of women state they prefer to date a guy older than them – and 45% of those women want their man to be between 5 and 15 years older than they are!
Those are some pretty good odds. But to make a safe bet, you need to learn a bit of female psychology. Get in the know, and who knows who you'll be dating this time next week!
As ever, it's my job to bring you guys up to speed. So, in today's article, we'll be covering:
- What Attracts Younger Women To Older men?
- Why Date A Younger Women?
- How Do You Tell If A Younger Woman Is Interested In You?
- What Are The Disadvantages Of Dating Younger Women?
#1. What Attracts Younger Women To Older men?
Summarizing everything that younger women love in older guys would take hours. However, there are some stand-out characteristics that we middle-aged guys possess over younger men, which the fairer sex finds absolutely irresistible.
Like a well-aged wine or classic car, there are certain things we can provide that the latest model never could.
Class and Maturity

We've been through our crazy 20s and came out the other side. Wild all-nighters, booze-fueled partying, and risky business isn't aren't our deal anymore. Been there, done it, and earned the t-shirt as proof.
Do you really think women find wild-card 20-something-year-olds attractive? For a quick fling, maybe. But for true maturity and stability, who do you think they look to? You guessed it – us mature fellas!
In short, a slightly older man provides a level of maturity that younger guys just can't. They'll get there eventually, but while they catch up, we can reap the benefits of our years of experience.
Older Guys Can Look After Themselves

Do you think I still ask my parents for money or need their help doing my laundry or fixing a shelf? Of course not!
I'm guessing most of you guys are the same. You've had a family you needed to support, which means you had to learn specific skills to be a successful man. After a while, you pick things up pretty quickly and become the guy your family comes to for advice, support, and help.
Can you see why that would be attractive to a 30-year-old woman looking to start a family of her own? She has a choice, date a younger guy who doesn't know his butt from his elbow when it comes to DIY or date an experienced man who knows how to fix her problems without the help of his parents.
It's a pretty easy choice for her to make, let's be honest!
Older Guys Are More Romantic

I'll be honest – when I was in my 20s, I cared a lot about what my friends thought of me. If I showed my romantic side in front of any of my guys in the marines, they would tease me about it for weeks.
It's the same for most younger guys. They think that you can't be manly and romantic at the same time. Unfortunately, this often leads to them not treating their girl right and pushing her away.
As a middle-aged guy, I know this from first-hand experience – as do most older men. That very fact makes older men incredibly attractive to younger women. No woman wants a man who plays games and makes her feel unloved. Date a 20-year-old, and she risks being treated like an afterthought whenever her man's friends are in town. Date a 40-year-old, and she pretty much guarantees love and respect regardless of who's in the room.
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#2. Why Date A Younger Women?

So with all this talk of maturity, why would a guy want to date a younger woman? Won't she be just as immature as a younger guy?
Actually, no.
A study conducted in Britain found that men don't reach complete emotional maturity until they're in their 40s, while women reach it by 30! That means a younger woman's maturity should match yours, provided she's around 30.
This actually explains why women prefer to date older guys – it's far more likely to be an equally mature relationship.
Of course, there's also the benefit of dating a woman who still has a younger person's energy and an open mind. Both men and women can begin to lose their enthusiasm as they grow older, so if you're an adventurous kind of guy, dating a younger woman may be a great way to find someone who matches your energy levels.
#3. How Do You Tell A Younger Woman Is Interested In You?
The fact is, telling if a woman is interested in you isn't the easiest thing in the world. At the end of the day, every woman is different and will act differently toward the men she has an attraction towards.
However, there are certainly some general signs to look out for that will help you get a better idea of how a younger woman feels about you as an older man.
She Always Asks For Your Help

I'll preface this one with a warning: sometimes a woman just wants you to help her! There isn't always a romantic intention behind this.
However, if a young woman regularly asks for your help with tasks that show your value as a man – for example, DIY or demonstrations of strength – then she may be interested in you romantically.
The best way of telling is whether or not she seems like she could have done the task herself. If she seems like she's asking you to get your attention rather than because she genuinely needs help, then your luck might just be in!
She Laughs At Your Jokes

You're a funny guy. But you're not THAT funny.
If you've been talking to a young woman for a while and she consistently laughs at your jokes, this could be a sign that she is into you romantically.
Once again, proceed with caution. Laughter does not equate to lust and isn't a sign she's ready to jump in the sack with you. However, it does show that she finds you endearing and a joy to be around.
Laughter is a great starting point for attraction – the other stuff can develop from this if it becomes clear that she sees you as more than a friend, colleague, or acquaintance.
Bide your time, tell a few unfunny jokes to see if she still laughs, and start a conversation about your feelings when the time is right!
She Touches You For No Reason

Touching people isn't a normal thing to do in social settings. In fact, many people get weirded out by the idea of touching others.
So if a woman goes out of her way to touch your arm or gently nudge you, then that's a pretty good sign that she has some kind of feeling towards you.
Again, this does not mean she's guaranteed to be romantically obsessed with you. However, it's a great sign that she's comfortable around you and feels that she's on a level with you where she can get physical.
Usually, this gesture will be coupled with another one of the above. She may laugh at your joke and give you a nudge on the bicep. She might put her hand on your forearm when asking for your help.
Either way, it's always worth taking note of. If it starts happening regularly, chances are you've got a good chance at romance.
#4. The Disadvantages Of Dating Younger Women
Sorry to burst your bubble, gents, but as with anything good thing in life, there are downsides to older men dating younger women.
Regardless of maturity levels and romantic connections, two people at different stages in life will have different priorities and desires. That's a simple far – and it's unavoidable. Not that any of these things are reasons to rule out dating younger women, but I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't make you aware of the cons as well as the pros!
Wanting A Family

This may not be considered a negative thing for some guys. But for other guys who have kids to love and care for, dating a younger woman who wants to start a family may be tricky.
It's natural for young women to want to start a family – so when they look for a romantic partner, your potential as a father will come into play. In fact, it may be your experience as a great dad that makes you attractive to her!
In this instance, honesty is the best policy. If you're not open to the idea of kids (or more kids), then tell her. It would be unfair to lead her on, only to break her heart when you tell her the truth about your life priorities.
Prioritizing A Career

Young women are in the prime of life. At the age of 30, it's only natural for someone to want to push themselves to the limit and succeed in their professional lives. We can't blame them for that – we've all been there.
However, you need to consider whether you're still in that place. As an older guy, you may have already built your business or reached your professional goals. Now might be the time that you want to relax and reap the benefits of your hard work with the lady in your life.
Becoming involved with a young career woman might not be the best move if you're that guy. Sure, you can support her with your knowledge and experience, but when it comes to those long weekend getaways and cozy morning dates, a career woman will be far too busy developing professionally.
Other People Will You

It's ridiculous that I even have to include this – but here goes.
Some people will judge older men dating younger women. It's a sad fact of life that you'll have to accept when dating a younger woman.
An age difference should not affect two people's feelings towards one another. It shouldn't stop you from developing a relationship with a great woman! However, if you're the type of guy who can't cope with a bit of judgment here and there, be careful when dating a woman younger than you.
The last thing you want is to become ashamed of yourself and your partner and start to push her away as a result. No woman deserves that.
Attracting women isn't easy, but I've got some killer advice to help you land that next big date. Click here to discover the 5 signs that she's DEFINITELY into you.
The post Why Younger Women Find Older Men Attractive appeared first on Real Men Real Style.
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