Fact: More sleep leads to increased focus and better attentiveness.
We've all had a time when we didn't get enough sleep. The next day is spent drinking coffee like it's water, feeling unfocused, and cruising through the day with a level of productivity that doesn't match your goals.
But is 7 Hrs of sleep enough? And at what point does sleep deprivation affect our success?
That's what I'm here for, gents. In today's article, I'll be covering:
#1 How Long Should You Be Sleeping?

This is the age-old question: how much sleep do you actually need?
You will often find that as an average adult, anywhere between 6-9 hours is acceptable from a health standpoint.
A study conducted by the British Medical Journal concluded that individuals who slept for 7 hours a night lived the longest.
This study was conducted on over 1 million individuals over 6 years. They found a clear distinction between the mortality rates associated with individuals who slept 7 hours, 8 hours or more, and less than 4 hours per night.
Individuals who slept 8 or more hours per night had a higher mortality rate. Those who slept 4 hours or less per night also had higher mortality rates.
Doctors concluded that individuals who slept for 7 hours per night lived the longest. They also concluded that from a health standpoint, there was no need for more or less than that.
So from an overall health perspective, 7 hours of sleep per night seems to be the sweet spot. But does the culture surrounding “less sleep equals more success” have any merit when it comes to long-term success?
#2 Does Sleep Affect Your Success?

We all know that sleeping for short periods every night will eventually take its toll on you.
But why are there so many advocates of “less sleep=more success,” and why should you avoid this idea?
Here at RMRS, we've also discovered that sleep can link to your attractiveness. Research shows that getting a good night's sleep increases your physical appearance compared to being sleep-deprived.
They took photographs of individuals after they received a good night's sleep and after a long period of sleep deprivation. They found that others rated the photos of the well-rested individuals higher on physical appearance versus being sleep-deprived.
Doctors concluded that getting that 7-8 hours of sleep did have an increase in physical appearance and attractiveness. Why is this important?
Looking Better Improves Your Success

When you look better, you feel better. That's a fact.
But when other people see you for the first time, they won't know anything about you. They immediately create an idea of the type of person you are based on the information provided.
The cold reality is that the more attractive you are, the more likely someone will like you during a first encounter.
How does this help your chances of success? It clearly doesn't hurt it, but it can give you an edge over your sleep-deprived competition.
Being sleep deprived has shown to offer less attractiveness, not to mention the array of additional side-effects such as less focus, less energy, etc.
So take it from me, gents, get that 7 hours of sleep at night; it can help boost your chances of success.
#3 How Do You Get Better Sleep?

When it comes to getting better sleep, there are several ways that you can increase your ability to sleep better through the night.
The biggest challenge for sleeping well at night tends to be the lack of planning for a good night's sleep.
You need to make an effort and take steps towards achieving the best 7 hours of sleep you can see every single night. This will give you the optimum amount of rest and prepare you for the day ahead.
Here are the top 3 tips for getting a good night's sleep:
1. Take Away Distractions

Having your phone or other distracting devices on your nightstand can cause you to check them unnecessarily through the night.
If you receive a notification on your phone in the middle of the night, the screen lights up, makes a noise, or vibrates, and it can cause you to check it.
Instead, try to place these distracting devices away from your nightstand; maybe try a desk or dresser in another part of the room.
If that doesn't work, most modern phones have the ability for a ‘Do Not Disturb' mode to be enabled between certain hours. This allows you to keep your phone close, yet you won't be annoyed by the random 2 AM emails coming through.
2. Limit Caffeine Intake

We all know the feeling of being tired and groggy in the morning. We wake up, have breakfast, and enjoy a hot coffee to get the day going.
The problem arises in the middle of the day when you start to feel tired and groggy again. You head to a local coffee shop, grab a large coffee, and move on with your day.
But what happens when you don't get enough sleep and that 2 cups turns into 3 or 4 cups? This is when it can affect your actual ability to fall asleep at night, causing the cyclical issue of tiredness to continue.
Instead, try to limit your caffeine intake overall and try alternatives such as tea. The rule of thumb is that you should not consume caffeine within 8 hours of going to sleep, as this can cause you to have a more challenging time falling asleep.
3. Have A Bedtime Routine

The best way to get those 7 hours of sleep in at night is by planning and making it effortless.
I get it; having a bedtime routine sounds like something your mom told you to have as a kid.
But in reality, having a set bedtime routine puts your body in a state of preparedness to sleep. This is important because, like machines, our bodies have processes that trigger other responses.
This means that by going to bed and waking up at the same time daily, you can train your body to get ready for great sleep every night.
Start with limiting your screen time within 1 hour of bed, then having your basic hygiene taken care of, pajamas on, and ready to go to bed. Simple fixes like this will amaze you at well they work.
That's it, gents. Opt for a full 7 hours of sleep every night, as being sleep-deprived can hurt your chances of success and health in the long run.
Studies have shown it's optimal, and I'm glad to share the best tips on getting those full 7 hours in every night.
For more info on how sleep can affect attractiveness, check out this article I wrote about the effects of sleep on your appearance.
The post Sleep Is Ruining Your Success (Is 7 Hrs Of Sleep Enough?) appeared first on Real Men Real Style.
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