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How To Date Beautiful Younger Women When Middle-Aged (Without Looking Creepy)

“Aren't you a bit old for me?”

The words every middle-aged guy fears when he tries to date a beautiful young woman.

Sorry to break it to you, gents: some people see you as an older man and question why a younger woman would want to date you.

But here's the thing … they don't know the benefits of dating a man with experience, maturity, and George Clooney-like gray-fox hair.

In today's article, I'm breaking out how you can demonstrate your worth as a middle-aged gentleman and date younger women without looking like a creepy old man.

Let's get into it.

  1. Don't Try To Buy Their Affections
  2. Don't Be Afraid To Show Your Age
  3. Act Your Age With Maturity
  4. Show That You're Courageous, Not Creepy
  5. Reflect and Be Mindful Of Yourself And Others
  6. Show Her That Chivalry Isn't Dead
  7. Provide The Commitment A Younger Man Can't
  8. Be Confident In Your Maturity

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Don't Try To Buy Their Affections

man taking picture on date

One of the most common mistakes older guys make when trying to date younger women is buying their affection with gifts and expensive dates.

The problem with this is that it comes across as desperate and could make them feel like they owe you something in return. Younger women are attracted to guys who are secure in themselves and don't need to try to buy their way into a relationship.

If you want to date younger women, the best thing you can do is focus on being the best man you can be. Be confident, secure, and always strive to be better. When you're focused on being the best man you can be, younger women will naturally be attracted to you.

Does that mean you can't buy her flowers or pay for dinner? Of course not! However, gifting her a diamond necklace on the first date is probably going a bit far. Sure, you might have the money to do this now that you're a successful older gent, but it could come across as condescending or even a bit creepy.

Don't Be Afraid To Show Your Age

middle aged man in blue suit

Here's the deal – you're not 20 anymore. You've reached middle age, and you're a different man now than you were two decades ago. THAT'S NOT A BAD THING!

A common mistake middle-aged men make when trying to date beautiful young women is assuming they need to try and look as young as possible. They downplay their age, dress young, and do everything they can to try to make themselves seem like they're in the same age bracket as their date.

The problem with this is that it just makes you look insecure. It's like you're trying to hide your age because you're afraid she won't like you if she knows how old you really are. The fact is, you're never going to be able to look like a young man again – and you shouldn't want to!

Own your age and show her that you're comfortable in your own skin. Be proud of the life experience and wisdom you've gained over the years, and let that shine through. Younger women will be attracted to the fact that you're a mature and confident man who isn't afraid to show his years of experience with women.

Act Your Age With Maturity

man on date

One of the mistakes older guys make when trying to date younger women is that they try to act like young guys. They dress young, talk young, and do everything they can to try to fit in with the younger crowd.

The problem with this is that it just makes you look like a try-hard. It's not attractive and doesn't make you seem mature or sophisticated—it just makes you look like you're in denial.

Instead of trying to compete with younger guys, focus on what you can offer that they can't. Be confident in your age and experience, and let that shine through. Younger women find the fact that you're a mature and confident man attractive. They don't want a wannabe frat boy trying to be something he's not.

Show That You're Courageous, Not Creepy

man on date with woman

One quality that younger women find incredibly attractive is courage. They want to be with a man who isn't afraid to take risks, a man who isn't afraid to put himself out there.

To date younger women, you need to be willing to take risks. You must be willing to put yourself out there and try new things. After all, she decided to date an older man for a reason – she wants you to show her that she hasn't made a mistake!

Courage on a first date doesn't mean slaying a dragon or running across hot coals. It can be as simple as ordering the most adventurous thing on the menu or going to a new type of bar or club. It's about being willing to step outside your comfort zone and try something new.

The bottom line is that if you want to date a younger woman, you need to show her that you're not stuck in your ways. You need to be willing to take risks and put yourself out there.

Reflect and Be Mindful Of Yourself And Others

When it comes to dating younger women, one quality that you can't overlook is mindfulness. Younger women are attracted to guys who are aware of the world around them and who are always looking for ways to improve.

If you want to date younger women, the best thing you can do is focus on being a good role model. Be someone who's living a life that she can aspire to and be someone who she can look up to. Let her know that you're there for her but that she's in control of her own life.

In addition to being a good role model, you also need to be forward-thinking. You need to show her that you're always looking for ways to improve yourself and your life. You need to be constantly learning and growing, and you need to be open to new experiences.

The bottom line is that if you want to date a younger woman, you need to match her enthusiasm for self-betterment. Sure, you've lived a longer life than her, but that doesn't mean that you're done growing and evolving. The key is to always be moving forward and always improving.

Show Her That Chivalry Isn't Dead

man on date with younger woman

It's sad to say, but many younger guys just don't show women the respect they deserve – they have no idea what chivalry means. To be frank, a lot of younger guys just want to get their dates in the sack ASAP, which is never a good way to act.

As an older guy, you've got the advantage here. It's important that you show her that chivalry isn't dead and that a real man knows how to treat a woman like a person, not an object.

There are a lot of ways to do this, but one of the best is simply to treat her like an equal. Don't try to control her or tell her what to do – let her make her own decisions. And when she does, be sure to support her and respect her choices.

One of the most common mistakes older guys make when trying to date younger women is that they try to control them. They think that if they can just tell them what to do, then eventually they'll start to like them.

The problem with this is that it comes across as overbearing and controlling. Younger women are attracted to guys who are relaxed and easy-going, not guys who are always trying to tell them what to do.

As such, it's essential that you always go out of your way to be a gentleman. Open doors for her, pull out chairs for her, and always offer to pay for the date. Chances are her previous, younger dates won't have treated her this way – so your chivalrous charm will likely be a breath of fresh air!

Provide The Commitment A Younger Man Can't

older man in glasses

If you want to date younger women, one of the most important things you can do is show her that you're ready for a commitment. Younger women are attracted to guys who are confident and who know what they want in life. They don't want to waste their time with guys who are still trying to figure things out.

The best way to show a younger woman that you're ready for a commitment is to be honest with her about your feelings. Tell her how you feel about her, and let her know when you're ready to take things to the next level. Be open and honest with her, and she'll be more likely to reciprocate those feelings.

Don't jump the gun too quickly and announce your love for her on the first date – that won't go down well! Instead, show her that you're interested in a committed relationship by taking things slow and getting to know her better. If you do this, she'll be more likely to see you as a long-term partner rather than just a fling.

Chances are she's assuming you're a committed guy because of your age and maturity. But it never hurts to spell it out explicitly, just to make sure she's on the same page as you.

Be Confident In Your Maturity

confident looking older man

One quality that younger women find incredibly attractive is confidence. They want to be with a man who knows who he is and what he wants in life. They want to be with a man who isn't afraid to show his true colors.

If you want to date younger women, the best thing you can do is embrace your maturity. Younger women are attracted to guys who are comfortable in their own skin and who know what they want out of life. If you can show her that you're confident and self-assured, she'll be more likely to see you as a catch.

Showing this isn't easy for some guys. I get it – confidence can be hard to find when you've got a few too many wrinkles and a bigger gut than you did when you were 20. However, don't let this get you down. Remember, the key is to focus on the things that you can change and to embrace the things that you can't.

One of the best ways to show your confidence is by being yourself. Don't try to be someone you're not, and don't put on an act. The more genuine and authentic you are, the more likely she is to see you as a catch.

Of course, being confident doesn't mean being cocky or arrogant. It just means being comfortable in your own skin and knowing your worth. If you can do that, you'll have already set yourself apart from the immature fratboys she'll have dated in the past.

When in doubt – think of yourself like a finely aged wine.

Read next: How To Have Good Table Manners – Dining Etiquette


The post How To Date Beautiful Younger Women When Middle-Aged (Without Looking Creepy) appeared first on Real Men Real Style.

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